
Úprava ceníku pro samoplátce

(29. 11. 2020)

Od 1.12.2020 uvádím v platnost nový ceník služeb hrazených pacienty (viz také nástěnka v ordinaci). V řadě případů došlo k navýšení původních cen. K tomuto kroku jsem přistoupil zejména z důvodu plánovaných investic do rozšíření našich služeb a přístrojového vybavení ordinace. Usiloval jsem o šetrnou aktualizaci cen, která by příliš nevybočovala z běžných standardů jiných zdravotnických zařízení, a přitom respektovala léta zavedený vstřícný přístup k našim pacientům.


E-prescriptions: we ask patients who are dispensary with us (with hypertension, diabetes, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract ...) to visit our outpatient clinic regularly and not to have medicines prescribed over the phone for too long without a clinical examination. Checks should take place at least once every six months, so after two prescriptions of drugs (ie twice for three months) another prescription will not be issued other than as part of a proper outpatient examination (including the necessary blood and urine samples). Thank you for your understanding.

We ask patients to enter the waiting room and office by covering their mouth and nose with a clean drape or respirator. In the collection room (at the nurse's), the patient disinfects his hands and his body temperature will be measured with a non-contact thermometer.

If the urgency of your condition does not require it, please do not disturb the nurse by knocking on the office's door. Thank you.

We ask all our patients to use this website for prescriptions and reservations to appointments as much as possible. Telephone requests and reservations are intended for those patients who do not have access to the Internet or cannot work with it (especially the elderly).

Pharmaceutical representatives are kindly requested to order before visiting the surgery - optimally via this website, or by phone (on No. 581 602 700).

This website is also used to contact a doctor if the patient needs an explanation, advice, recommendation or prescription and for various reasons (current distance or availability of transport, medical condition or epidemiological situation) can not get to the office. Please use the "Write to us" field in this case and, if necessary, enclose a scanned report from the hospitalization or professional examination, event. photo of the affected area (skin area). This service does not replace the control examination indicated upon discharge from the hospital!


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Stranka | by Dr. Radut